Holy naked. I must forewarn that this is NSFW. Not that blurs are not employed, but I doubt if your uber-conservative boss will appreciate the humor. Continue Reading
Holy naked. I must forewarn that this is NSFW. Not that blurs are not employed, but I doubt if your uber-conservative boss will appreciate the humor. Continue Reading
For a band consisting of 20-somethings, The xx appear very calm, cool, and calculated. Exemplified by a simple, yet soulful sound, they’ve left tracks on both sides of the pond, selling out shows and leaving audiences breathless. Continue Reading
As a few people know already, this video has quite a bit of sentimental value. The official video of 2:30 am for a few months in 2007, I must have subjected my friends to this musical menagerie over 100 times. The fun-loving spirit of The Thermals is infectious and I can’t help it if their videos capture that same essence. It is impossible to witness them live or taped and not feel as though your life is instantaneously changing for the better. Continue Reading
Before I witnessed this video, I was actually told that is was, quote, the weirdest ever, unquote. Despite the forewarning, I managed to overlook the video on my Youtube quest. So estranged, I took the boy band theme as a certain sign that this was, in fact, a silly fan video. Wrong. Dead Wrong. Continue Reading
The title is a bit unfair considering Mr. Murphy rants as much about drunk boys as much as the lush-like ladies, but the rowdy chorus keeps bringing us back to the female contingent. As easy as it is to swept up in the driving bass line, the listener (and his sense of humor) will be rewarded for listening to the lyrics. The following are my choices for quotable quotes. Feel free to listen to all of the song’s lyrics and match them to your favorite memories from four (or more) years of college. Continue Reading