Top 10 Albums | 2010

Albums, Mix'd Bag

Top 10 Albums | 2010

3 Comments 28 | November | 2010

Turkey Day has passed and Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa are just around the corner.  In case you’re in the midst of writing your wishlist, here is my updated Top 10 Albums of 2010….thus far.  There is a link at the bottom of the post that extends to the Top 40, in case you’ve already got the first 10 or your Santa is very generous. Continue Reading

Keebler | Cookie Crooks

Mix'd Bag

Keebler | Cookie Crooks

11 Comments 23 | November | 2010

It’s a dog eat dog world.  Nowhere is this more apparent that in our capitalistic society.  Whether it’s climbing the corporate ladder, acquiring fame, or peddling product, humans continue to push the envelope of ethical behavior.

BIG WHOOP, right.  It’s been going on since the beginning of time, so what’s the big deal? Continue Reading

Kid Cudi | Pursuit Of Happiness

Songs, Videos

Kid Cudi | Pursuit Of Happiness

2 Comments 18 | November | 2010

Do you ever have that dream where you’re lying upwards on the couch and Ratatat is killing it underneath the cushions while a veritable Mardi Gras is blowin’ up your spot but you can’t even figure out why the front door is really on the back of the couch with a Phantom of the Opera Gondola settin’ sail to the kitchen for more milk to spill out the window Continue Reading

I Am “The Man” | Public vs. Private

Mix'd Bag

I Am “The Man” | Public vs. Private

2 Comments 15 | November | 2010

Starting a new job is always filled with excitement and apprehension.  You can never be too sure what to expect once you’re actually working with, or slaving for, a company.  In most cases the picture in your brain never quite matches the real thing….like the menu pictures at Burger King.  While there are a few occasions when the circumstances are actually better than expected, most situations involve a realization that there are cracks in the façade.  Continue Reading

Never Too Late | Conan’s Return

Mix'd Bag, Videos

Never Too Late | Conan’s Return

4 Comments 12 | November | 2010

In the sixteen years that he hosted The Late Show on NBC, Conan O’Brien usurped the former Governator’s fictional character as theee Conan in the entertainment industry.  Steadily developing a cult following over the course of his decade-plus at the network, his dedication to NBC paid off in 2009 when it was announced he would be the successor to the throne of late night, The Tonight Show.  However, it wasn’t long after his crowning (ha ha….crowning) that the 6’-4” redhead darling of late night became the recipient of NBC’s version of the shirt-over-the-head career sucker punch of a lifetime.  Continue Reading

Dress Code | Lady Gaga

Mix'd Bag

Dress Code | Lady Gaga

7 Comments 08 | November | 2010

Fame grants crazy people crazy privileges.  Things that were previously considered “weird,” “well beyond the social norm,” or “jailable” become accessible.  Such is the case with Lady Gaga.  Her fantastically odd choice of clothing has Joe Public scratching his head, and leads me to believe her parents never let her dress herself as a child.  Please consider the following pieces of evidence… Continue Reading

$h*! Bill Sings | F**k You

Mix'd Bag, Videos

$h*! Bill Sings | F**k You

3 Comments 04 | November | 2010

William Shatner has reached a new “Lo.”

In a stunt too absolutely absurd to overlook, The Artist Formerly Known as Captain Kirk dared to cover Cee-Lo Green’s soul-pop insta-classic “F**k You.”  In his signature “spoken word meets drunken hobo” style, Bill Shatner boldly goes where no man thought possible, managing to ruin a perfectly good radio hit.  Adding insult to injury, he achieved this feat on live television……..on the George Lopez show! Continue Reading

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