Noise Complaint | Jukebox Etiquette

Mix'd Bag

Noise Complaint | Jukebox Etiquette

9 Comments 28 | July | 2011

Since I’ve gone high and mighty on etiquette lately, I figured I would combine my love for consideration of others with my love of music.  A topic familiar to nearly everyone on the planet, the pros and cons of the jukebox could be argued for a lifetime.  Sure, they prevent bar owners/workers from continuously subjecting patrons to the Clear Channel Top 10 until I gouge out my eyeballs with a pool cue because I can’t take another Gaga block party, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other tunage tyrants out there.  The great irony of the jukebox is that even if a person barely has control over his own bodily functions, he can control the music for an entire establishment.  It’s a passive-aggressive wonderland that offers all the benefits of nuclear warfare. Continue Reading

Return To Sender | Email Etiquette

Mix'd Bag

Return To Sender | Email Etiquette

1 Comment 19 | July | 2011

Email has a lot going for it.  It beats the pants off a fax machine, and has damn near put the US Postal Service out of business.  But for all of its benefits, there remain some pitfalls.  Unsurprisingly, and unfortunately, ALL of the major drawbacks have to do with the users and not the programs.  Thus, I can’t just toss out the old ones and ask the IT department to install new ones. Continue Reading

Bon Iver | C’est Si Bon

Albums, Videos

Bon Iver | C’est Si Bon

8 Comments 15 | July | 2011

Bon Iver translates to “good winter,” and having waited since 2009’s Blood Bank EP, music fans are eager welcome Wisconsin’s favorite son back from hibernation.  With the June release of the self-titled album Justin Vernon has officially emerged from his cabin and walked directly onto the red carpet.  Now an A-lister in the biz, his talent and celebrity have proven Midas-ian.  Side projects (e.g. Volcano Choir, GAYNGS) and other band members (Sean Carey) are feeling King Justin’s golden touch and rising in the ranks. Continue Reading

The Antlers | Putting The Dog To Sleep


The Antlers | Putting The Dog To Sleep

5 Comments 12 | July | 2011

I have found more than one occasion this year to applaud The Antlers most recent album, Burst Apart.  Currently sitting atop my 2011 list of Top Albums, it proves a dense fusion of melancholy, yet powerful musicianship.  Start to finish, the NYC trio tender deep emotion for audiences listening below the surface of already brilliant sound waves. Continue Reading

Top 10 Albums | Summer 2011


Top 10 Albums | Summer 2011

2 Comments 08 | July | 2011

Summer has now been breached but the spring sprang some great tunes that shan’t be overlooked.  The top 3 spots on my Albums of the Year list were all replaced by more recent releases and some less obvious shuffling also took place.  Sneak a peek at the music that has carried me beyond Independence Day and place your bets on who will remain through the end of December. Continue Reading

Cri$i$ | Raise the (Debt) Roof

Mix'd Bag

Cri$i$ | Raise the (Debt) Roof

6 Comments 03 | July | 2011


Like a dysfunctional marriage always teetering on the brink of divorce Republicans and Democrats are once again threatening to “break it off” over the issue of raising the debt ceiling.  With the fate of the global economy in question Americans, along with the rest of humanity, are doomed to another around-the-clock B-rated political soap opera playing on all channels until Aug. 2nd, 2011.  Sensationalized as “D-day,” August 2nd (supposedly) represents the day that Uncle Sam will start defaulting on his loans.  And what happens next?… Continue Reading

Mix Playlist | June 2011

Mix Playlists

Mix Playlist | June 2011

2 Comments 01 | July | 2011

JUNE 2011

  1. Cults | Abducted
  2. Ty Segall | Girlfriend
  3. tUnE-yArDs | You Yes You
  4. The Wombats | Jump Into The Fog
  5. Foster The People | Helena Beat Continue Reading

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