Songs of the Year | 2014


Songs of the Year | 2014

13 Comments 29 | January | 2015

In hot pursuit of my Top Albums of 2014 list, here comes my Top Songs of 2014 mix!  Instead of the typical 20-ish-song, 80-ish-minute compilation, this year I decided that FIFTY is the magic number.  That’s right, you’re in for a treat…3 hours 17 minutes of top-notch, grade-A tracks that were the soundtrack of my year.  I didn’t bother splitting hairs to decide the order of the Top 50.  Rather, I mixed them in the order I felt most appropriate.  So take a listen.  All you have to do is press PLAY above!

If you prefer to SPOTIFY, here is the link.  LDD – Best of 2014
Continue Reading

Top Songs | 2013


Top Songs | 2013

11 Comments 05 | January | 2014

Before we are too far into 2014 to even remember the events and music of 2013 I’m letting loose with my 21 favorite tracks of the year.  So worn was my brain from selecting and arranging my Top Albums of 2013 that I made no attempt to further rank the selections below; hence no numbers next to the artist/title.  Rather, they are presented in order of their placement in my LDD – Best of 2013 mix which can be heard above.

…and don’t piss yourselves when you see the first two selections and think this is a regurgitation of the Teen Choice Awards.

…or do (do).  I’m having fun picturing all five of the readers simultaneously messing themselves.

On your marks.  Get set.  LIST!! Continue Reading

Songs of the Year | 2011


Songs of the Year | 2011

2 Comments 17 | January | 2012

I’ve already divulged my Top Albums of 2011, but some of you might be thinking, “Hey LDD, let’s get specific.  I would really love it if you were to highlight the exact tracks that created cavalcades of emotion for you in the past year; from the boogie in yer underwear hits to the introspective think pieces that leave you tingly.”  Well lucky for you (and thanks to a recommendation from Ryan O.) I’ve done just that.  The best 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 52 seconds of music from 2011 according to some random internet guy with too much free time on his hands.

Now that it’s almost 2013, here are….

The Top Songs | 2011 Continue Reading

The Antlers | Putting The Dog To Sleep


The Antlers | Putting The Dog To Sleep

5 Comments 12 | July | 2011

I have found more than one occasion this year to applaud The Antlers most recent album, Burst Apart.  Currently sitting atop my 2011 list of Top Albums, it proves a dense fusion of melancholy, yet powerful musicianship.  Start to finish, the NYC trio tender deep emotion for audiences listening below the surface of already brilliant sound waves. Continue Reading

Beastie Boys | New Video Rewinds

Songs, Videos

Beastie Boys | New Video Rewinds

4 Comments 22 | April | 2011

While eternally youthful in name and spirit, the Beastie Boys have long since become men.  Having over 25 years of experience in hip-hop, the boys’ opportunities for reflection are plentiful.  Instead of selfishly hoarding these memories, they have graciously bestowed upon us a jam-packed feature-length film that doubles as the video for “Make Some Noise” (off the forthcoming album, Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 2; out May 3rd) and also delivers a hysterical look back on the song/video/lifestyle that set the music industry on its ear way back in 1985. Continue Reading

The Black Keys | Howlin’ For YouTube

Songs, Videos

The Black Keys | Howlin’ For YouTube

8 Comments 28 | March | 2011

I love it when good bands get paid.  Or as Beck might say, “get real paid.”  Moreover, I love it when said bands use that money to deliver even higher quality product(s).  Traditionally more money is associated with more production, more marketing, and more radio play, but there are other avenues for bands to channel their new monies and not all of them result in Mo Problems. Continue Reading

Iron & Wine | Big Burned Hand


Iron & Wine | Big Burned Hand

8 Comments 23 | March | 2011

Better known for folk ballads that drip like molasses, Sam Beam switched up the formula for this year’s Kiss Each Other Clean.  Sporting a more “in your face” sound, his fan base has been experiencing a degree of shock and to a lesser extent, disillusionment.

Sam?  Is that you??  Are you there?…under that beard? Continue Reading

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