The subject, sounds and style of this particular track from Portland’s own, Nurses has inspired me to write a good, old-fashioned haiku. Continue Reading
My thirst for irony is momentarily quenched by this song, so aptly chosen to close an album titled, Let’s Build a Roof. The perforated male/female vocals, jumping up and down the scale, that create the body of this song seemingly owe a lot to a particular artist whose mission, not so long ago, was to record an album for every state in the union. I don’t wish to suggest that LAKE is attempting to commandeer Steven’s style, but what the Sufjan is going on here?! Continue Reading
I just have to point out that the title is very apropos considering the timing of the mix. Enjoy the song and I must point out that the band finds it difficult to do any worse than *great*….HIGHLY worth the price of admission. Disregard the fact that horses lack feathers (excluding Pegasus), focus on what is important, great folking music. Continue Reading
While their parasitic arachnid counterparts ravage campers, these Ticks bring me unparalleled pleasure. Ever since my first exposure to War Elephant (2007), I have found brilliance in their albums. Sounding like a rustic, Rocky Mountain prospector, John J. McCauley III’s grating vocals sound every bit as rough as the twenty-mile trudge that separates him from his lover. Continue Reading
I’ve got no real beef with these Ohioans (no, people from Ohio are not “Ohi-hos”), but I will reprimand them for kidnapping my favorite band of 2009. *tear* While on tour in San Diego, they stole, yes STOLE Ramona Falls as their opener. Any concertgoer worth his salt will tell you that it is death by a million paper cuts when a solid, mid-range club headliner is stolen by some stadium rock band, to perform at the local galactic amphitheater sponsored by BP, or worse (is that possible?!). Continue Reading
Perhaps the residents of Fang Island intended to fashion a thoughtful yet sonically ambitious song praising Mr. David Crockett, or maybe, just maybe, they knew they could do so much more. Methinks they knew better, because the end result is an anthemic, dual-guitar, monster ballad/eulogy to the King of the Wild Frontier. Continue Reading
On their upcoming release, Expo 86, the guys of Wolf Parade only turn back the clock as far as the title and cover art are concerned. Perhaps the proximity of my hometown, Olympia, WA, is the only reason I vaguely recall the hype surrounding the World Exposition on Transportation and Communication in Vancouver, Canada; year 1986. Nevertheless, the title conjured fond memories and so does the music. Continue Reading
Added on 21 February 2012
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In 2010, Brooklyn-based duo Sleigh Bells unleashed their debut LP Treats. While they missed a brilliant opportunity for cross-promotion with any number of ear plug manufacturers, the resulting fanfare was as loud as their music. Fortunately for my ear drums, they waited 20 months before returning to market with their latest product. Reign of Terror, […]