Sleigh Bells | Reign Of Terror

Albums, Videos

Sleigh Bells | Reign Of Terror

2 Comments 21 | February | 2012

In 2010, Brooklyn-based duo Sleigh Bells unleashed their debut LP Treats.  While they missed a brilliant opportunity for cross-promotion with any number of ear plug manufacturers, the resulting fanfare was as loud as their music.  Fortunately for my ear drums, they waited 20 months before returning to market with their latest product.  Reign of Terror, the much-anticipated second LP (and third offering overall) was released today, just a week after Valentine’s Day.  It’s a perfect album for couples…..if you’re idea of a romantic date night is a trip to the firing range followed by a viewing of Heathers. Continue Reading

The Black Keys | El Camino

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The Black Keys | El Camino

9 Comments 14 | December | 2011

Tired of reading the same old cookie-cutter album reviews? Are you forced to reach for the dictionary just to understand those pompous wordsmiths with their syllables and thesaurii? Looking for a fun, new take on the craft? Here is a poem I scribed in honor of The Black Keys’ newest full-length release. No reason, just rhyme.

El Blues Cruise
There are two men from Akron named Patrick and Dan
In two thousand one they started a band.
With Dan on guitar and Pat pounding the drums
Blues rock poured out in infinite sums. Continue Reading

Givers | In Light

Albums, Videos

Givers | In Light

3 Comments 25 | November | 2011

In light of their recent inclusion in my Top 10 Albums of 2011 and the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s worth giving more praise to Givers, the Lafayette, Louisiana quintet that has taken my iPod hostage.  Their debut full length, In Light, dropped in early June and thus their ascent to the top began. Continue Reading

Jay-Z & Kanye | Watch The Throne

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Jay-Z & Kanye | Watch The Throne

4 Comments 22 | August | 2011

Kanye has come a long way since his early days of beat-making and dodging death.  While unquestionably talented and (in)famous the world over, the long time Roc-A-Fella Records producer turned contentious and volatile MC has previously existed on an echelon below his boss, Jay-Z.  On Graduation’s “Big Brother, Kanye depicted this relationship and spelled out the envy and frustration between himself and the messianic HOVA.  Now 11 years after the college dropout made Jesus walk, he’s finally achieved savior status alongside his mentor. Continue Reading

Bon Iver | C’est Si Bon

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Bon Iver | C’est Si Bon

8 Comments 15 | July | 2011

Bon Iver translates to “good winter,” and having waited since 2009’s Blood Bank EP, music fans are eager welcome Wisconsin’s favorite son back from hibernation.  With the June release of the self-titled album Justin Vernon has officially emerged from his cabin and walked directly onto the red carpet.  Now an A-lister in the biz, his talent and celebrity have proven Midas-ian.  Side projects (e.g. Volcano Choir, GAYNGS) and other band members (Sean Carey) are feeling King Justin’s golden touch and rising in the ranks. Continue Reading

Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. | Road Show

Concerts, Videos

Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. | Road Show

2 Comments 08 | June | 2011

Photos | Mike Swor

NASCAR fans are keenly aware that Dale Earnhardt Jr. is currently slumping harder than the Chicago Cubs.  And despite their intimate knowledge of this racing demigod, it is unlikely that any of the southern-fried circuit students knows that he is a father.  Shock ‘n Awe. Continue Reading

Atmosphere | The Family Sign

Albums, Videos

Atmosphere | The Family Sign

3 Comments 09 | May | 2011

Sean Daley has been rapping under the moniker “Slug” for over two decades.  Joined by Rhymesayer’s prevalent DJ/producer/beat-maker extraordinaire Anthony Davis (aka. “Ant”), the duo has authored an anthology packed tight with angry women playing hostess to Slug’s sloppy, drunken antics and an even tighter fan base hanging on every lyric.  Consistently drawing content from sexual exploitation, terrible personal relationships, and the greater Minneapolis area, Atmosphere has forged its reputation and painted it gold. Continue Reading

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