Songs, Videos

The xx | Islands

9 Comments 07 | May | 2010

For a band consisting of 20-somethings, The xx appear very calm, cool, and calculated.  Exemplified by a simple, yet soulful sound, they’ve left tracks on both sides of the pond, selling out shows and leaving audiences breathless.

This video captures the band’s aesthetic and plays well with their penchant for a clean, and more importantly, a black backdrop.  Containing such a strong allusion to a synchronized and harmonious love turned bad, you’re forced to ask, “What do you ‘kids’ know about love and loss?”

Perhaps they’ve lived well beyond their years or perhaps they’re very prophetic.  Regardless, the vocals and video paint a vivid picture of love and understanding, and train wreck that often follows.  Despite this pessimism, they continue to captivate listeners coast to coast to coast to coast.

And with two X’s in place the third can’t be far off.

“X” gets the square for the win?

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