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Matt & Kim | Lessons Learned

3 Comments 07 | May | 2010

Holy naked.  I must forewarn that this is NSFW.  Not that blurs are not employed, but I doubt if your uber-conservative boss will appreciate the humor.

Always the showman, and show-woman, Matt and Kim outdo themselves with a Times Square video spectacle only topped by the latest David Blaine prank.  (Yes, his tricks are pranks at best.  At worst he should be fined for misuse of public property and castrated on live television).  Besting all of their t-shirt gun festival efforts, they “take it too the streets.”  And by “it,” I mean their birthday suits.  Yup, despite NYC’s frigid temps Em & Kay disrobe while perusing the city’s hottest tourist trap.

Don’t bother questioning the authenticity either.  I doubt if they have the funds necessary for “green screen” action of that caliber, let along the dinero necessary to close down Times Square entirely.  If anything, the reliability comes from the “shy-turned-camera-crazy” Japanese tourists at the street corner who initially scram, fearing naughty bits, only to point-and-shoot their way to lasting memories.

So heed my warning, if you’re ever in Times Square, don’t forget your camera.  Lesson learned.

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