Tag archive for "jack white"

Songs of the Year | 2014


Songs of the Year | 2014

13 Comments 29 | January | 2015

In hot pursuit of my Top Albums of 2014 list, here comes my Top Songs of 2014 mix!  Instead of the typical 20-ish-song, 80-ish-minute compilation, this year I decided that FIFTY is the magic number.  That’s right, you’re in for a treat…3 hours 17 minutes of top-notch, grade-A tracks that were the soundtrack of my year.  I didn’t bother splitting hairs to decide the order of the Top 50.  Rather, I mixed them in the order I felt most appropriate.  So take a listen.  All you have to do is press PLAY above!

If you prefer to SPOTIFY, here is the link.  LDD – Best of 2014
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Mix Playlist | July 2014

Mix Playlists

Mix Playlist | July 2014

3 Comments 02 | August | 2014

JULY 2014

  1. Hundred Waters | Show Me Love
  2. A Sunny Day in Glasgow | MTLOV (Minor Keys)
  3. Sylvan Esso | Uncatena
  4. Bear in Heaven | Demon
  5. clipping | Work Work (feat. Cocc Pistol Cree) Continue Reading
Mix Playlist | June 2014

Mix Playlists

Mix Playlist | June 2014

9 Comments 03 | July | 2014

JUNE 2014

  1. Cooper | This Year
  2. Chromeo | Jealous (I Ain’t With It)
  3. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah | Beyond Illusion
  4. Jack White | High Ball Stepper
  5. Bear Hands | Giants Continue Reading
Grammys 2013 | The High Notes

Mix'd Bag

Grammys 2013 | The High Notes

2 Comments 15 | February | 2013

In case you didn’t set aside 3.5 hours of your life this past Sunday to marvel at the spectacle that was the 55th Grammy Awards, I will do you the favor of summarizing the evening’s events through an LDD lens.  That way, when you read this a week after the show and nobody is talking about it you can feel confident that you are also not talking about it, but it’s not because you don’t know, aren’t hip, or were too busy sitting on your left hand until it was asleep so you could give yourself the sloppiest handjob of your life. Continue Reading

Top Albums | 2012


Top Albums | 2012

12 Comments 23 | December | 2012

2012 has come to an end, and it was decidedly less epic than the Mayan calendar predicted.  Ce la vie.  Well, at least we have a vie to ce la.  While another disastrous prediction awaits the US population at the close of our calendar year, at least we have a few days in between to celebrate with loved ones.  But when that love turns to annoyance, why not take the time to read this list of my favorite 40 albums from 2012.  Another solid year of music is in the books and I’m left craving anything and everything that 2013 will have to offer. Continue Reading

Mix Playlist | May 2012

Mix Playlists

Mix Playlist | May 2012

4 Comments 01 | June | 2012

MAY 2012

  1. Electric Guest | This Head That I Hold
  2. Gossip | Move In The Right Direction
  3. Javelin | Tryouts
  4. Bear In Heaven | Warm Water
  5. Ramona Falls | Spore Continue Reading
Mix Playlist | April 2012

Mix Playlists

Mix Playlist | April 2012

3 Comments 05 | May | 2012

APRIL 2012

  1. The Ting Tings | Hang It Up
  2. Miike Snow | Bavarian #1 (Say You Will)
  3. Electric Guest | Jenny
  4. Bear In Heaven | Sinful Nature
  5. The Mars Volta | Lapochka Continue Reading

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