Concerts, Mix'd Bag
19 | March | 2010
Photos | Mike Swor
In the era of music, bands scream to the forefront, riding tidal waves of blog hype, but are just as quickly sucked back into the vast sea of “who’s got next.” However, Hockey, a Portland-based 5-some are steadily making their way forward amidst throngs of bands vying for the attention of critics and labels. While their biggest fan base seems to remain on the west coast of the States, the word is spreading, and not just in English. Still, there is so much work, work, work to be done and I aim to find out what keeps them afloat. On the evening of their *SOLD OUT* show at the Casbah, in San Diego, CA, I track down bassist Jeremy “Jerm” Reynolds, and singer Ben Grubin at a local pizza place and between bites they tell me the story of Hockey. Continue Reading