Albums of the Year | 2014


Albums of the Year | 2014

3 Comments 25 | January | 2015

It’s that time of year again.  At least it WAS that time of year…two months ago.  Still, it’s never too late for an Albums of the Year list, right?  I just wanted to be sure nobody copied my answers.

According to some parts of the internet, 2014 wasn’t a triumph in the album arena, with the exception of Taylor Swift’s 527 ft home run, 1989.  Speaking of monster home runs and 1989, shout out to the Bash Brothers – Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire.  Despite this ruling by the interwebs that doesn’t mean there are some serious gems out there.

Thanks to all my favorite people for slangin’ recommendations my way throughout the year.  Per the usual, gimme a shout with any albums that I absolutely, positively haaaave to check out, lest my street cred flow directly into the sewer.  I’m all ears.

Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for….the L.I.S.T.  My Top 50 Albums of 2014. Continue Reading

U2 | BFD


U2 | BFD

2 Comments 21 | September | 2014

Unless you’re hipster 1.0, deep in the bowels of Portland, listening to your phonograph, drinking organic Chai while grooming your beard and waxing your moustache, you’ve probably heard rumblings about U2’s recent record release campaign. Partnering with Apple, the favorite sons of Ireland (narrowly beating out Danny Boy) distributed their new album to over 500 million listeners for FREE. The new album, Songs of Innocence, magically appeared in iTunes libraries around the world; meanwhile the band and Apple awaited a certain tidal wave of applause from fans and critics. Continue Reading

Top Albums | 2013


Top Albums | 2013

4 Comments 28 | December | 2013

It’s the most wonderful tiiiime of the yeeeeear!!  Lists, Lists and more L-I-S-T-S!!

After perusing the entire internet for every “Album of the Year” list I could find, I’ve finally created an algorithm to determine the undisputed Top Albums of 2013.  Eat your heart out Nate Silver.  It was an enormous undertaking, but I think you’ll agree that I’ve reached the pinnacle of musical list taste-making.  Here are some of the steps taken to deliver such a flawless feature. Continue Reading

Top Albums | Summer 2013


Top Albums | Summer 2013

6 Comments 11 | August | 2013

It’s been 4+ months since kicking off my Best Albums of 2013 list and with the summer already in full swing I belatedly present my midyear update.

  1. Cayucas | Bigfoot
  2. Vampire Weekend | Modern Vampires of the City
  3. Born Ruffians | Birthmarks
  4. Cold War Kids | Dear Miss Lonelyhearts
  5. Javelin | Hi Beams Continue Reading
Top Albums | Spring 2013


Top Albums | Spring 2013

2 Comments 14 | April | 2013

Time waits for nobody, so if you haven’t started listening to the best offerings of the 2013 music scene, jump on it.  The first three months present a stacked field and with new albums from Vampire Weekend and Daft Punk just around the corner, the year in music is only going to bet better.

Now for my Top 10 Albums through the Spring of 2013. Continue Reading

Top Albums | 2012


Top Albums | 2012

12 Comments 23 | December | 2012

2012 has come to an end, and it was decidedly less epic than the Mayan calendar predicted.  Ce la vie.  Well, at least we have a vie to ce la.  While another disastrous prediction awaits the US population at the close of our calendar year, at least we have a few days in between to celebrate with loved ones.  But when that love turns to annoyance, why not take the time to read this list of my favorite 40 albums from 2012.  Another solid year of music is in the books and I’m left craving anything and everything that 2013 will have to offer. Continue Reading

Sleigh Bells | Reign Of Terror

Albums, Videos

Sleigh Bells | Reign Of Terror

2 Comments 21 | February | 2012

In 2010, Brooklyn-based duo Sleigh Bells unleashed their debut LP Treats.  While they missed a brilliant opportunity for cross-promotion with any number of ear plug manufacturers, the resulting fanfare was as loud as their music.  Fortunately for my ear drums, they waited 20 months before returning to market with their latest product.  Reign of Terror, the much-anticipated second LP (and third offering overall) was released today, just a week after Valentine’s Day.  It’s a perfect album for couples…..if you’re idea of a romantic date night is a trip to the firing range followed by a viewing of Heathers. Continue Reading

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