
Top Albums | Summer 2013

6 Comments 11 | August | 2013

It’s been 4+ months since kicking off my Best Albums of 2013 list and with the summer already in full swing I belatedly present my midyear update.

  1. Cayucas | Bigfoot
  2. Vampire Weekend | Modern Vampires of the City
  3. Born Ruffians | Birthmarks
  4. Cold War Kids | Dear Miss Lonelyhearts
  5. Javelin | Hi Beams
  6. Fitz & The Tantrums | More Than Just A Dream
  7. Kanye West | Yeezus
  8. Portugal. The Man | Evil Friends
  9. Bastille | Bad Blood
  10. The National | Trouble Will Find Me

Cayucas’ “bonfire certified” summer sounds are so good whales are intentionally beaching themselves and asking for Bud Light Lime-a-Ritas.  Yeezus proves that Kanye’s got more style change-ups than a chameleon at a rave.  Finally, Vampire Weekend’s highly anticipated M.V.O.T.C. was a godsend after Daft Punk’s perplexing release that spurred this email rant with a friend of mine.


Me:      You loving the new Daft Punk?  I’m still confused.  I don’t know that it’s bad, it’s just n-o-t-h-i-n-g like I expected.  It’s like somebody give you a donut hole (aka “Get Lucky”) and then they say, “close your eyes and I’m gonna feed you more donuts!”  Instead they shove sashimi in your mouth.  And then I was like, “Whaaaat?!  No way, bro?  WTF?  This is the worst donut I’ve ever eaten.”  And then THEY’RE like, “Psych, it’s sashimi, dumbass.  Joke’s tots on you.”  And I’m like, “Well F-U.  Why didn’t you just tell me it you were going to feed me sashimi and not give me a fucking donut hole appetizer? Ur a total dickbag, but I’ll probably forgive you.”

Evan:  I’m with you on that one. Not only did they tease you with a sugary, glistening donut hole, then trick you into a bite of sashimi…they proceeded to follow it with dry couscous, watery ketchup disguised as tomato soup, a sad deflated tire, and a piece of already been chewed bubble gum.

People keep telling me “You just don’t understand, man! It’s REAL music!! The robots hired actual musicians…therefore it’s good!!” I keep telling people, this album isn’t really for me…and they get offended? Like, you’re lame if you have an original opinion and don’t just force swallow the entire meal because it’s being served by Daft FUCKING Punk.

Fragments of Time? 1983 called and wants it’s Muzak back. “Touch” sounds like something a man who likes men wrote in high school in his bedroom whilst prancing around in his CK briefs. “Game of Love” and “Within” just have sad computers moping into the microphone. Radiohead did this better back in the 90s. How about the 1:30 long stressful noise garbage to end the album?


Soooo, now that you know how I feel about Random Access Memories you shant be surprised when I tell you that it does not grace my Top 40.  However, there ARE many other great albums that deserve a listen so keep reading and don’t forget to click on the link at the bottom of the page to see the extended list.

…and now for my updated overall Top 10 Albums through the Summer of 2013.

  1. Cayucas | Bigfoot
  3. Vampire Weekend | Modern Vampires of the City
  4. Born Ruffians | Birthmarks
  5. CHVRCHES | Recover EP
  6. Everything Everything | Arc
  7. Josh Ritter | The Beast In Its Tracks
  8. Tegan & Sara | Heartthrob
  9. Cold War Kids | Dear Miss Lonelyhearts
  10. A$AP Rocky | Long.Live.A$AP

The rest of my top albums (#11 – #32 for now) can be seen in my extend list HERE.

I have received a lot of great recommendations lately, so if you have a favorite (or favorites (or favourites)) that I’ve missed, give me a heads up!!



Mix Playlist | July 2013
Mix Playlist | June 2013
Mix Playlist | May 2013
Mix Playlist | April 2013

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