
Top Albums | 2012

12 Comments 23 | December | 2012

2012 has come to an end, and it was decidedly less epic than the Mayan calendar predicted.  Ce la vie.  Well, at least we have a vie to ce la.  While another disastrous prediction awaits the US population at the close of our calendar year, at least we have a few days in between to celebrate with loved ones.  But when that love turns to annoyance, why not take the time to read this list of my favorite 40 albums from 2012.  Another solid year of music is in the books and I’m left craving anything and everything that 2013 will have to offer.

As usual, if you don’t see an album on the list that you feel should have been there, it is because I hate you and everything about you.  I specifically didn’t list it because you make my stomach churn and every system in my body seizes up when your name is spoken.  Maybe it would have been my top album if it was not for your vile being.

There… that we’ve cleared that up, there is no need to leave nasty comments on how my list sucks eggs.  You only have yourself to blame.  My list sucks because you suck.  However, if my list is awesome…..well it goes without saying that YOU ARE AWESOME.  But I’ll say it anyway, “YOU ARE AWESOME!”

If you still find it absolutely necessary to diss my list (or my use of the word “diss”) you may do so, but please be so kind as to post a link to YOUR list of top albums.  Or if you’re really feeling ballsy, leave your real name, your email address, some of your kids’ artwork, and state your current occupation.  I will gladly find time in 2013 to write an essay on why you represent a net loss for humanity.

OK!  Enough with the negativity.  Just one of my pet peeves.  If you truly feel I missed a great album, please feel free to recommend it.  Without fail, I receive feedback about some really awesome albums, but when it comes as a nice suggestion, it makes me feel so much better!!  So let me know nicely and instead of ending up on my shit list, you’ll end up getting credited for your RADICALNESS in a future mix.  What a deal!!

….and now, without further ado, ON TO THE LIST!!


#40:  Jack White | Blunderbuss


#39:  Santigold | Master of My Make Believe


#38:  Best Coast | The Only Place


#37:  Bat for Lashes | The Haunted Man


#36:  Maps & Atlases | Beware & Be Grateful


#35:  The Ting Tings | Sounds From Nowheresville


#34:  Fanfarlo | Rooms Filled With Light


#33:  Damien Jurado | Maraqopa


#32:  Horse Feathers | Cynic’s New Year


#31:  Animal Collective | Centipede Hz


#30:  Mewithoutyou | Ten Stories


#29:  Mumford & Sons | Babel


#28:  Menomena | Moms


#27:  Andrew Bird | Break It Yourself


#26:  Beach House | Bloom


#25:  The Walkmen | Heaven


#24:  Perfume Genius | Put Your Back N 2 It


#23:  Lost Lander | DRRT


#22:  Stars | The North


#21:  Twin Shadow | Confess


#20:  Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros | Here


#19:  The Asteroids Galaxy Tour | Out of Frequency


#18:  Niki & The Dove | Instinct


#17:  fun. | Some Nights


#16:  Of Monsters And Men | My Head Is An Animal


#15:  Gotye | Making Mirrors


#14:  Bear In Heaven | I Love You It’s Cool


#13:  Japandroids | Celebration Rock


#12:  Fang Island | Major


#11:  The Magnetic Fields | Love at the Bottom of the Sea


#10:  Tennis | Young & Old


#9:  Sleigh Bells | Reign of Terror


#8:  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis | The Heist


#7:  Pinback | Information Retrieved


#6:  A.C. Newman | Shut Down the Streets


#5:  Lana Del Rey | Born To Die


#4:  alt-J | An Awesome Wave


#3:  Purity Ring | Shrines


#2:  Electric Guest | Mondo


#1:  Aesop Rock | Skelethon


TA-DAH!!  You made it!  Congrats!  I hope you found something that piques your interest or at least you enjoyed the album art.  Everyone enjoy what remains of this year and I’ll see you on the other side of 2013.


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