Albums, Videos

Givers | In Light

3 Comments 25 | November | 2011

In light of their recent inclusion in my Top 10 Albums of 2011 and the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s worth giving more praise to Givers, the Lafayette, Louisiana quintet that has taken my iPod hostage.  Their debut full length, In Light, dropped in early June and thus their ascent to the top began.

With the lead track titled “Up, Up, Up,” it’s no surprise the remainder of the album is so thoroughly uplifting.  The youngsters (ages ranging from 21 to 29) blend zydeco and afropop influences to great effect, cultivating a sound that should entice any Vampire Weekenders that are within earshot.

Twenty-three year old Tiffany Lamson’s vocals play alongside co-singer Taylor Guarisco’s as instrumentation pours in around them.  Especially good at harnessing the power of their numbers, Givers make a habit of building to crescendos and promptly dropping off a cliff into silence.  Brief as they may be, these pauses provide moments of repose, unless you’re  like me, overzealously singing made up words, unaware that the mp3 will not be so kind as to cover up my untimely musical miscue.  Well the guy in the car next to me doesn’t know any better, so there.

Midway through the album “Noche Nada” hits, building from simple hand-claps that sound as if Rose Royce is taking us to the “Car Wash.”  Gladly.  As the song nears completion they march triumphantly towards a climax that would make sex jealous, finishing off with a series of abbreviated post-coital “Ehs” that suggest they were sexing up a Canuck.

Givers | Noche Nada


Immediately following “Noche Nada” is the “dance like nobody’s watching” super-romp, “Ceiling of Plankton”.  Can’t explain the title, but this distant cousin to Sebastian’s “Under the Sea” is equally exhilarating.  Another sonic swell accompanied by one of my top 5 favorite drum beats (open hi-hat, bass drum, open hi-hat, snare, repeat) and ambling keyboards is punctuated with a sharp “Woo,” your cue to cut a rug, even if your moves would make Elaine Benes laugh.  Yikes.

Givers | Ceiling of Plankton


The finale “Words,” is the kind of album-closer that makes you regret arriving at the end and leaves you wondering, “I wonder when they’ll release their next album.”   After sinking it claws so deeply into me, I’ve become a bit resentful that In Light is only ten tracks in length.

“Only 52 minutes?! We all know you can fit 80 minutes onto a CD.  Let’s try a little harder next time, guys.”  – Crotchety McBitterpants

But don’t be like me, C. McB, take a minute to tune in.  And since you’re already in the spirit of giving and thanking, why not give Givers some thanks for giving us an album to be thankful for.  Thanks in advance for giving thankful thanks to Givers and for thanklessly thanking them and giving me a chance to thank you for thanking Givers.

That’s ok, I’ll wait while you reread that last paragraph…

You caught up?
The End.

Band Website | iTunes | Amazon


The dream show:  Givers opening for Vampire Weekend with Paul Simon headlining.   Discuss.

Top 10 Albums | Fall 2011
Mix Playlist | October 2011
Mix Playlist | September 2011

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