Mix'd Bag

MLK | Dream On

2 Comments 17 | January | 2011

Years ago on MLK day, a coworker recommended actually watching a video recording of Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech.  I took her advice and was amazed.  Since then I have adopted it as a tradition, an acknowledgment of the tremendously passionate flame that Dr. King helped to ignite.  And while 18 minutes in the year two thousand eleven may seem like a long time for a single Youtube video, it is well worth the reminder of how far our nation has come, and unfortunately, how far we have to go (as evidenced by the number of “dislikes” the video has received).

Born well after this famous speech, the gravity of the Civil Rights Movement is nearly impossible for me to fully comprehend, but Dr. King’s pure and rich voice carries with it all the sense of urgency needed to understand the enormity of that moment in history.  His words are strong, but not angry; forceful, but not violent.  These characteristics were essential to the movement and it is regrettable that such diplomacy seems to have fallen by the wayside in the modern age.

I encourage you all to watch for yourselves and to make it a tradition.  Let it prompt thoughtful discussion and thoughtful actions.  Let it also serve as a proper remembrance of the man whose dream lives on.

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