Albums, Videos

Robyn | Body Talk

3 Comments 15 | January | 2011

Sweden’s sugar-pop princess of synth danze tracks, Robyn delivered a critically acclaimed triple-feature, Body Talk, throughout 2010.  First came Pt. 1 in June, followed by Pt. 2 in September.  Finally in November, the label essentially smashed the two together, pasted on some new album art on the cover and sold that shit to you again, saving you the troubled of creating a new playlist on your iPod*.  Thank you, Cherrytree records.

*There are a few tracks on Pts 1 & 2 that don’t appear on Body Talk, and vice versa, and some different versions, but there is > 75% overlap by song title.

The diminutive Scandy proves that she’s worth the triple-dip across all three releases, dumping kilogram after kilogram of ants-in-your-pants dance beats deep into your trousers, until the playful nibbles become a ferocious and fiery attack on your pop sensibilities.  My initial reaction to the album was, “tooooo much sugar, NEXT!!”  However, anyone who has heard my past mixes knows I have a tendency to include tracks that would normally be found playing at a pre-teen slumber party.  Guilty.  But I’m not going to make excuses for liking music that makes me smile…unless I’m surrounded by ironworkers on a job site.  “Robyn?! Hell no I don’t listen to that vagina music.  I need me some Megadeath or Iron Maiden or Kenny Loggins.” *grunt*

The truth is that this is the type of album that gains traction the more you listen to it.  The good songs get better and the great songs get put on repeat x 17.  For example, the super radio-friendly “Hang With Me” (see above and on January 2011) comes straight out of the gates with a fist-pumping backbeat blanketed by keyboards from a John Hughes movie.  Building toward the chorus, Robyn entreats her partner to commit to her, be truthful to her, and support her; but speaking out the other side of her mouth, warns that shit may get crazy. Sounds like a normal relationship.  The well-timed cymbal flourishes and percussive buildups add to the momentum and result in swelling emotions of love and triumph…like when I watch Extreme Home Makeover.

The bottom line is that if there is a place in your heart, no matter how small, for any of the following, you should really consider checking out these albums:

  • The 80s
  • Sweden or the Metric System
  • Underdogs
  • Love
  • Snoop Dogg
  • Danze/Electronic Music
  • Candy
  • Fiesty blonde songstresses

Good luck denying all eight.

And if you don’t like me directing your musical tastes, take a page from Robyn’s playbook and say “Hey buddy, Don’t Fucking Tell Me What To Do.”

Until next time…Konichiwa, Bitches.

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