
LAKE | Collapsing Homes

2 Comments 01 | July | 2010

My thirst for irony is momentarily quenched by this song, so aptly chosen to close an album titled, Let’s Build a Roof.  The perforated male/female vocals, jumping up and down the scale, that create the body of this song seemingly owe a lot to a particular artist whose mission, not so long ago, was to record an album for every state in the union.  I don’t wish to suggest that LAKE is attempting to commandeer Steven’s style, but what the Sufjan is going on here?!

Despite it being a much simpler tune, not concerned with overly orchestrated instrumentation compared to a typical Steven’s composition, the feel is quite similar, and quite contented.  Arriving at the chorus, voices flutter, harmonize, sooth and fulfill.  In LAKE’s case, simple is a good thing.

Sidenote:  This track actually inspired me to re-listen to Sufjan’s effing brilliant, nearly seven-minute, “Come On! Feel the Illinoise!”  I wish that kid would get off the abstract, avant-garde Brooklyn-Queens Expressway track and get back to making state-related tunes.  Only 48 left…

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