
The National | Conversation 16

6 Comments 08 | June | 2010

I’ve got no real beef with these Ohioans (no, people from Ohio are not “Ohi-hos”), but I will reprimand them for kidnapping my favorite band of 2009.  *tear* While on tour in San Diego, they stole, yes STOLE Ramona Falls as their opener.  Any concertgoer worth his salt will tell you that it is death by a million paper cuts when a solid, mid-range club headliner is stolen by some stadium rock band, to perform at the local galactic amphitheater sponsored by BP, or worse (is that possible?!).  The ticket prices jump from $15 to somewhere around, say, three Greek newborns (yes, Greece is financially fuct).  Nevertheless, after 16 (calming) conversations I’d probably have regained my composure, unlike Matt Berninger who continues to croon, in his unmistakable baritone, about, “eating your brains.”  Perhaps it’s a tribute to the Cranberries, “Zombie.”  More likely he is dizzy from the rapid success.  Who knows, maybe next go ‘round they will open for U2 and I’ll get my headlining date with Ramona Falls.  Better yet, Ramona Quimby…

San Diego Shows


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